8/23 Introduction
We start with the Design Challenge: DT(TK->YPP), and then introduce ourselves and together begin exploring our partners and their projects.
Watch before class:
Brown, “Designers—Think Big!”
8/25 Design, Play, and TOYWAR
We learn design as the sharing of worlds with a bias toward thought-action or mindful practice that draws on tutors from design thinking and art activism.
Study partner sites: mission, projects
Week 1
Which Design Thinking?
We move between theory and practice, while also transmediating between them. Begin by learning the 5-phases and 3-layer models of the d.school’s DT process. Then reframe DT in terms of Critical Design Thinking, Pluriversal Design, and Decolonizing Design.
9/1 DT exercise
Empathy and Listening
In addition to readings, this d.school design exercise hones interview and listening skills that teams will use in the first phase of the course.
Week 2
9/6 Co-design with partners
Teams should prepare for initial fieldwork by researching partner’s own sites/social media, relevant outside perspectives, and most importantly, previous StudioLab work with them.
9/8 Transmedia Knowledge and Strategic Storytelling
To integrate TK into your partner’s project, teams must gain conceptual and practical skills for creating transmedia knowledge. We are translating research into practice, in the tradition of Urie Bronfenbrenner. Study these materials to get a sense of the “why,” “what,” and “how” of transmedia knowledge and strategic storytelling via sparklines.
Week 3
9/13 Draft due
Prep by continuing research into DT, TK, and YPP via partner-provided materials, research into their media ecology, best practices, relevant models, and past StudioLab work with them.
9/15 Project 1 due
Shared Media for Thinking the Unthinkable
Outline and develop your draft report and presentation using past reports as models: for now, prioritize CONCEPTUAL more than AESTHETIC and TECHNICAL. Study Edelman and Victor for insights into how different media (and media combinations) enable different types of thinking. Try to work these and the WhyWhatHow sparkline into your Proj 1 deliverables.
Week 4
9/20 Co-design with partners
From Hear to Create
We begin Project 2, the Create phase, by using Project 1 to re/define the design challenge, ideate possibilities, and prototype across media. Teams will meet with partners to ensure alignment of design challenge and scope of deliverables.
9/22 Platform- and channel-switching
Making transmedia means building collaborative platforms for shared experiences. These sociotechnical platforms include our class, our partner’s infrastructure, and potentially those of stakeholders. Can we help partner align players to key platforms and media forms and learn to switch between them to storytell?
Week 5
9/27 Building UX across Platforms
Making transmedia means building collaborative platforms for shared experiences. These sociotechnical platforms include our class, our partner’s infrastructure, and potentially those of stakeholders.
9/29 Scenarios and journey maps
UX workshop
Week 6
10/4 Co-design with partners
Translate design challenge into WhyWhatHow sparklines of partner. Pluralize sparklines for different stakeholder experiences of/with partner and their media.
For 3-4 key stakeholders, Design UX (xD, iA, iD) of calls to adventure and action attuned to TK forms and platforms. Scenarios, journey maps, and mood boards prototype xD, iA, and iD.
WhyWhatHow quests of strategic stories channel pathos/logos/ethos of transmedia knowledge and images/words/actions of media cascades, while pluriversal choreographies and satisficial rituals (eg, performance assessments) transform thought-action figures across three ecologies of self, society, and world.
10/6 Workshop
Week 7
10/13 Workshop – Info design
Week 8
10/18 Meet partners
10/20 Lab: WordPress and Firma
Draft report, scenarios, maps due
Week 9
10/25 Open Studio
10/27 Proj 2 Presentation/Report due
Week 10
11/1 Meet partners
11/3 Workshop
Week 11
11/8 Meet partners
11/10 Workshop
Week 12
11/15 Meet partners
11/17 Workshop
Week 13
Week 14
11/29 Presentation/Deliverables Due
12/1 Wrap up and evaluations
Finals Week
Sun 12/10 Final sites due