“Cosmography, Storytelling, and Performance Design Thinking.” Keynote Presentation and Conversation with Sara Baranzoni and Paolo Vignola, Arts Imagining Communities to Come, 2021, Universidad de las Artes, Guayaquil, Ecuador, Cumulus Proceedings, bilingual Spanish/English, 2024.
“Cosmography via LifeLines: A Traumaturgy of Making Cures.” Jon McKenzie, Bryan Reynolds, leeny sack, Saviana Stanescu. La Deleuziana 15 – Making Cosmos: The Tangle Of The Universe. 2022 (2023): 119-178.
“Sonja, Artemis, Greta, Bernard: An Interview on S/CARE PACKAGES.” John Tinnell, Jon McKenzie, Ana Vujanović, Daniel Ross. The Journal of Art and Media Studies 30: 2023: 177-204.
“Cosmographies of Worlding and Unworlding: Prompts for Avant-Garde Disastronauts.” The Journal of Art and Media Studies 30: 2023: 1-16.
“The Thinkers: Thought–Action Figures #7.” Jon McKenzie and Aneta Stojnić. In Performing Institutions: Contested Sites and Structures of Care. Ed. Anja Mølle Lindelof and Shauna Janssen. Chicago: University of Chicago. 2023.
“Doing Things With Worlds: Philosophy Becomes Cosmography.” Sara Baranzoni, Paolo Vignola, Jon McKenzie. Conversation in Performance Paradigm 17, 2022: 148-156.
“Mise en abyme: A Tour of Jon McKenzie’s Thought-action.” Nien Yuan Cheng, Chris Hay, Emma Willis, Jon McKenzie. Interview in Performance Paradigm 17, 2022: 122-144.
“The Making of Perform or Else.” Tim Edkins, Jon McKenzie. Interview in Performance Paradigm 17, 2022: 107-121.
“Digitality, Transmedia Knowledge, Collective Thought-Action,” Biblioteca Teatrale: Rivista Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche sullo Spettacolo. 137:1 (2022): 279-292.
“Collective Thought-Action: On Lecture Performances, Transmedia Knowledge, and Designing Possible Worlds.” Serbian Architecture Journal. Special issue: Mapping Contemporary Regional Discourses. 2019/2. (DRAFT MANUSCRIPT W LINKS).
“The Vita Perfumativa and Post-dramatic, Post-conceptual Personae.” In The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Politics. Ed. Peter Eckersall and Helena Grehan. London: Routledge, 2019. Pp. 33-37. (full draft text)
“Forgetting Machines: From Memory Theatres to Critical Rap.” Performance Research 23:4/5: On Reflection: Turning 100. 2018. Pp. 195-197.
“Ouisconsin Eidos, Wisconsin Idea, and the Closure of Ideation.” In Inter Views in Performance Philosophy: Crossings and Conversations. Eds. Anna Street, Julien Alliot, and Magnolia Pauker. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017.
“Philosophical Interruptions and Post-Ideational Genres: Thinking Beyond Literacy.” An Interview with Jon McKenzie by Anna Street. In Inter Views in Performance Philosophy: Crossings and Conversations. Eds. Anna Street, Julien Alliot, and Magnolia Pauker. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017.
“Discargo: Überoverundunder.” In PhoneHome: Llama a Casa Exhibition Catalogue. Eds. Dorita Hannah and Shauna Janssen. Hobart: University of Tasmania School of Creative Arts/School of Architecture: 2017. Np. (bilingual English/Spanish).
“Performance and Democratizing Digitality: StudioLab as Critical Design Pedagogy.” In Performing the Digital: Performance Studies and Performances in Digital Cultures. Ed. Timon Beyes, Martina Leeker, and Imanuel Schipper. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript Verlag, 2016.
“Stratification and Diagrammatic Storytelling: An Encounter with Under the Dome.” In lo Squaderno: Explorations in Space and Society. no. 37, September 2015. Pp. 13-18.
“Revisiting Jon McKenzie’s Perform or Else: Performance, Labour and Pedagogy.” Interview of Jon McKenzie by Tim Edkins and Stevphen Shukaitis. Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organizations 14(3) (2014): 523-541.
Review by Kellen Hoxworth of Disastronautics: How to Do Things with Worlds by Jon McKenzie & Ralo Mayer. Performance Research 19·3 (2014): pp,112-113.
“Posthuman Misperformance: BP and the Flight of the Whooping Cranes.” In MISperformance – Essays in Shifting Perspectives. Ed. M. Blažević and L. C. Feldman. Ljubljana: Zbirka Mediakcije and MASKA, 2014. Pp. 45-59.
“Performativitäten, Gegen-Performativitäten und Meta-Performativitäten.” In Performing the Future. Ed. Erika Fischer-Lichte and Kristiane Hasselmann. Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2013. Pp. 141-159 (German).
“Smart Media at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.” Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing and Culture 15 2013.
“Performance y Globalización.” In Estudios Avanzadas de Performance. Ed. Diana Taylor and Marcela Fuentes. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2011. Pp. 431-458 (Spanish).
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“Abu Ghraib and the Society of the Spectacle of the Scaffold.” In Thinking – Resisting – Reading the Political: Current Perspectives on Politics and Communities in the Arts Vol. 2. Edited by Anneka Esch-van Kan, Stephan Packard, and Philipp Schulte, 2013. Berlin: Diaphanes.
“Global Feeling: (Almost) All You Need is Love.” In Performance Design. Ed. Dorita Hannah and Olav Harsløf. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2008. “
“The Performative Matrix: Alladeen and Disorientalism.” Performance Research. 13.2 (2008): 26-38.
“StudioLab UMBRELLA.” In The Illogic of Sense: The Gregory L. Ulmer Remix. Ed. Darren Tofts and Lisa Gye. Electronic book published by Alt-X Online Network. 2007.
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“Genre Trouble: (The) Butler Did It.” The Ends of Performance. Peggy Phelan and Jill Lane, eds. New York: New York University Press, 1997. Pp. 217-235.
“Nouveaux Sites en Coulisses: Auteur de The Nerve Bible de Laurie Anderson.” Trans. Frédéric Maurin. Théâtre/Public 127 (1996): 67-69 (French).
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