Cosmographies of Worlding and Unworlding, The Journal of Art and Media Studies 30: 2023. Ed. Miodrag Šuvaković, Sanela Nikolić, and Jon McKenzie. Perform or Else? Revisiting Jon McKenzie’s Work in the Post-pandemic World. Performance Paradigm 17: 2022. Ed. Emma Willis, Nien Yuan Cheng, and Chris Hay. Transmedia Knowledge
for Liberal Arts and
Community Engagement:
A StudioLab Manifesto.
Palgrave, 2019.
Contesting Performance:
Global Sites of Research.
Ed. Jon McKenzie, Heike Roms, and C.J.W.-L. Wee.
Palgrave, 2010.
Perform or Else:
From Discipline
to Performance.
Routledge, 2001.

Polish translation
Croatian translation


Story, Design, Action Workshop, New York State 4H, Career X, Cornell University, 2023. Cosmography, Storytelling, Performative Design, Cumulus-Guayaquil, UArtes, 2021. Critical Design Thinking:
Storytelling Up in Uganda, Cornell University, 2021.
Rapid Response Design Justice: #HerWholeTruth, Lisa’s Song, Girl Squads, Utrecht University, 2021.


From Gay Science to Theory Comix.
PBS Wisconsin Public Television, 2013.
Ouisconsin Eidos: Performance, DesignLab, & Experimental Theory. Sorbonne University, 2014. DesignLab & The Democratization of Digitality. TEDx UW-Madison, 2016.


Strategic Storytelling Certificate featuring UX Design for Community Engagement, online and ongoing Design Thinking, Media, Community, Spring 2022

Design Thinking & Engaged Media, Fall 2021

Design Thinking, Media, Community, Spring 2021

Design Thinking & Engaged Media, Fall 2020


Mixing Media & Pedagogies
Using StudioLab. Teach Better podcast, 2017.
What are Digital Cultures?
Leuphana Centre for Digital Cultures, 2015.
Revisiting Jon McKenzie’s Perform or ElseEphemera: Theory & Politics in Organizations, 2014.


“Thought-Action Figures.” With Aneta Stojnić.
ROOM:A sketchbook for Analytic Action 2.19: 2019.
“Green Detectives: It Was a Wonderful Day in Slobville.”  Demo for info comic workshop.




“Cosmography, Storytelling, and Performance Design Thinking.” Keynote Presentation and Conversation with Sara Baranzoni and Paolo Vignola, Arts Imagining Communities to Come, 2021, Universidad de las Artes, Guayaquil, Ecuador, Cumulus Proceedings,  bilingual Spanish/English, 2024.

“Cosmography via LifeLines: A Traumaturgy of Making Cures.” Jon McKenzie, Bryan Reynolds, leeny sack, Saviana Stanescu.  La Deleuziana 15 – Making Cosmos: The Tangle Of The Universe. 2022 (2023): 119-178.

“Sonja, Artemis, Greta, Bernard: An Interview on S/CARE PACKAGES.” John Tinnell, Jon McKenzie, Ana Vujanović, Daniel Ross. The Journal of Art and Media Studies 30: 2023: 177-204.

“Cosmographies of Worlding and Unworlding: Prompts for Avant-Garde Disastronauts.”  The Journal of Art and Media Studies 30: 2023: 1-16.

“The Thinkers: Thought–Action Figures #7.” Jon McKenzie and Aneta Stojnić. In Performing Institutions: Contested Sites and Structures of Care. Ed. Anja Mølle Lindelof and Shauna Janssen. Chicago: University of Chicago. 2023.

“Doing Things With Worlds: Philosophy Becomes Cosmography.” Sara Baranzoni, Paolo Vignola, Jon McKenzie. Conversation in Performance Paradigm 17, 2022: 148-156.

Mise en abyme: A Tour of Jon McKenzie’s Thought-action.” Nien Yuan Cheng, Chris Hay, Emma Willis, Jon McKenzie.  Interview in Performance Paradigm 17, 2022: 122-144.

“The Making of Perform or Else.” Tim Edkins, Jon McKenzie. Interview in Performance Paradigm 17, 2022: 107-121.

“Digitality, Transmedia Knowledge, Collective Thought-Action,” Biblioteca Teatrale: Rivista Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche sullo Spettacolo. 137:1 (2022): 279-292.

“Collective Thought-Action: On Lecture Performances, Transmedia Knowledge, and Designing Possible Worlds.” Serbian Architecture Journal. Special issue: Mapping Contemporary Regional Discourses.  2019/2. (DRAFT MANUSCRIPT W LINKS).

“The Vita Perfumativa and Post-dramatic, Post-conceptual Personae.” In The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Politics. Ed. Peter Eckersall and Helena Grehan. London: Routledge, 2019. Pp. 33-37. (full draft text)

“Forgetting Machines: From Memory Theatres to Critical Rap.” Performance Research 23:4/5: On Reflection: Turning 100. 2018. Pp. 195-197. 

“Ouisconsin Eidos, Wisconsin Idea, and the Closure of Ideation.” In Inter Views in Performance Philosophy: Crossings and Conversations. Eds. Anna Street, Julien Alliot, and Magnolia Pauker. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017.

“Philosophical Interruptions and Post-Ideational Genres: Thinking Beyond Literacy.” An Interview with Jon McKenzie by Anna Street. In Inter Views in Performance Philosophy: Crossings and Conversations. Eds. Anna Street, Julien Alliot, and Magnolia Pauker. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017. 

“Discargo: Überoverundunder.” In PhoneHome: Llama a Casa Exhibition Catalogue. Eds. Dorita Hannah and Shauna Janssen. Hobart: University of Tasmania School of Creative Arts/School of Architecture: 2017. Np. (bilingual English/Spanish).

“Performance and Democratizing Digitality: StudioLab as Critical Design Pedagogy.” In Performing the Digital: Performance Studies and Performances in Digital Cultures. Ed. Timon Beyes, Martina Leeker, and Imanuel Schipper. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript Verlag, 2016.

“Stratification and Diagrammatic Storytelling: An Encounter with Under the Dome.” In lo Squaderno: Explorations in Space and Society. no. 37, September 2015. Pp. 13-18.

“Revisiting Jon McKenzie’s Perform or Else: Performance, Labour and Pedagogy.” Interview of Jon McKenzie by Tim Edkins and Stevphen Shukaitis. Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organizations 14(3) (2014): 523-541.

Review by Kellen Hoxworth of Disastronautics: How to Do Things with Worlds by Jon McKenzie & Ralo Mayer. Performance Research 19·3 (2014): pp,112-113.

“Posthuman Misperformance: BP and the Flight of the Whooping Cranes.” In MISperformance – Essays in Shifting Perspectives. Ed. M. Blažević and L. C. Feldman. Ljubljana: Zbirka Mediakcije and MASKA, 2014. Pp. 45-59. 

Performativitäten, Gegen-Performativitäten und Meta-Performativitäten.” In Performing the Future. Ed. Erika Fischer-Lichte and Kristiane Hasselmann. Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2013. Pp. 141-159 (German).

“Smart Media at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.” Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing and Culture 15 2013.

“Performance y Globalización.” In Estudios Avanzadas de Performance. Ed. Diana Taylor and Marcela Fuentes. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2011. Pp. 431-458 (Spanish).

“The Revelations of Dr. Kx4l3ndj3r.” In Ralo Mayer, Obviously a Major Malfunction/KAGO KAGO KAGO BE. Linz: Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2011 (bilingual English/German).

“Abu Ghraib and the Society of the Spectacle of the Scaffold.” In Thinking – Resisting – Reading the Political: Current Perspectives on Politics and Communities in the Arts Vol. 2. Edited by Anneka Esch-van Kan, Stephan Packard, and Philipp Schulte, 2013. Berlin: Diaphanes.

“Global Feeling: (Almost) All You Need is Love.” In Performance Design. Ed. Dorita Hannah and Olav Harsløf. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2008. “

“The Performative Matrix: Alladeen and Disorientalism.” Performance Research. 13.2 (2008): 26-38. 

“StudioLab UMBRELLA.” In The Illogic of Sense: The Gregory L. Ulmer Remix. Ed. Darren Tofts and Lisa Gye. Electronic book published by Alt-X Online Network. 2007.

“Performance and Globalization.” In Handbook of Performance Studies. Ed. D. Soyini Madison and Judith Hamera. London: Sage, 2006.

“Hacktivism and Machinic Performance,” Performance Paradigm 1: March 2005. Electronic journal.

“High Performance Schooling.” Parallax 31 (2004): 50-62.

“Democracy’s Performance.” TDR: The Drama Review 47.2 (2003): 117-128.

“The Hole in My Life.” Frakcija: Performing Arts Magazine 20-21 (2001): 90-93 (bilingual Croatian/English).

“Towards a Sociopoetics of Interface Design: etoy, eToys, and TOYWAR.” Strategies: A Journal of Theory, Culture and Politics 14.1 (2001): 121-38.

“!nt3rh4ckt!v!ty,” Style 30.2 (1999): 283-299. 

Interview about StudioLab. The Wired Professor: A Guide to Incorporating the World Wide Web in College Instruction. Anne B. Keating with Joseph Hargitai. New York: New York University Press, 1999. Pp. 95-100.

“Genre Trouble: (The) Butler Did It.” The Ends of Performance. Peggy Phelan and Jill Lane, eds. New York: New York University Press, 1997. Pp. 217-235. 

“Nouveaux Sites en Coulisses: Auteur de The Nerve Bible de Laurie Anderson.” Trans. Frédéric Maurin. Théâtre/Public 127 (1996): 67-69 (French).

“Laurie Anderson for Dummies,” TDR: The Drama Review 41.2 (1997): 30-50.

“Telepathy, The Elephant Man, Monstration,” Journal of Popular Culture 28.4 (1995): 19-37

“Virtual Reality: Performance, Immersion, and the Thaw,” TDR: The Drama Review 38.4 (1994): 83-106. 

“Tabloid Theory and the Remains of Science.” Lusitania 4 (1993): 101-112 (bilingual English/Portuguese).

REMIX: HOBO Art Foundation’s Katastronauci (Disastronauts)

Version 7.433h


the secret to theory is a good set of subwoofers